Susan Kistler, Creator~Publisher
On this day
it all out!
While it IS sad how these pictures may make you and I
feel, they are a reminder to us just how good we do
have it today despite all the turmoil in the world.
I love old barns
We have to practice
the presence of the Lord
so we will be in tune with Him
... then we'll be able to hear His Words.
We Don't Always hear Him until
He reminds us that He is there.
Nor do we feel His presence
until we remember He cares.
Even though He is always with us,
until we take time to seek Him,
chances of knowing true joy
can become exceedingly slim!
Lean not unto your own understanding,
but, rather, tune in to your "Inner Voice."
So stay on His 'Wavelength' and
you will always have reason to rejoice!
(A poem from a friend)
Virginia Archer