On this day
115th day of the year
Summer begins in 57 days
More below ....
Located at the bottom of today's page.
While it IS sad how these pictures may make you and me
feel, they are a reminder to us just how good we do
have it today despite all the turmoil in the world.
"She sprouted love like flowers,
grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest
days, from her smile the sun still shined."
— Erin Hanson
"Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself
to grow in all the places people
thought you never would."
— E.V
"Flowers grow back,
even after they are
stepped on. So will I."
— Unknown
"Advice from a sunflower:
Be bright, sunny and positive. Spread seeds
of happiness. Rise, shine, and hold
your head high."
— Unknown
"Spring: A lovely reminder of how
beautiful change can truly be."
— Unknown
"May the petals teach me the
art of letting go."
— Xan Oku
"When in doubt,
add flowers."
— Unknown